The MC4C Podcast is now live!

The first episode of the MC4C Podcast is now live.
You can catch it on the following links below:

Spotify: The Hull City Council Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Apple Podcasts: The Hull City Council Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Acast: The Hull City Council Podcast - Hosted by Hull City Council (

You can also catch a snippet below:

A Year of Tweets Fundraiser

We now have a limited number of printed booklets available that highlight a year of Mark Jones tweets, with some of his fantastic pictures and Hull loving comments inside. Every penny taken from the sales of these will be shared between the British Heart Foundation, and two young people with Duchenne, Action for Ashley and Joy for Joel.

If you would like to purchase or order a copy, you can email to arrange payment and collection.

The cost of each booklet is only £5.00 so please get in touch to get your very own keepsake of Mark, whilst supporting some excellent causes too.

Commonwealth Partnership Re-Launch

On 05/04/2024 Youth Enterprise champions Becca and Alex had a call with MC4C’s commonwealth partners in Namibia, Australia, and South Africa to reignite the Commonwealth Partnership. Throughout the call everyone had the opportunity to share a bit about themselves and the organisation they run as well as their accomplishments. We also spoke about events that MC4C are hosting, such as THUD- with the next event being on the 16th of August. We also spoke about Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) and this year’s conjunction with COP24.

In May, the Youth Enterprise Commonwealth partnership officially relaunched and our first meeting as a partnership in June was a success and very insightful on how we may all be able to collaborate in the future on events across the globe, such as Lebo’s new version of THUD named “Share The Code”. All members also shared excitement at the prospect of involving more of the 56 commonwealth countries in the Youth Enterprise Commonwealth Partnership.

Current members of the Youth Enterprise Commonwealth Partnership are Selebogo, Frank, Celestine, Johanna, Constantine, Marc and MC4C. We are striving to create a united network for young entrepreneurs across the Commonwealth and are all looking forward to our future meetings and achievements.

Hull Bid Awards

On the 23rd of February, Youth Enterprise Champions Becca and Alex attended the Hull bid awards at the Hilton Hotel, and it was a night full of smiles, laughter and good vibes. They enjoyed a meal and good company followed by swing music and then the main event, the awards. The awards were as follows.

- Innovation award- Rubicon Bridge Limited

- Welcoming premises award – Artisan Flowers

- Outstanding employee or team award – Superbowl UK

- Longevity award – B Cooke & Son Limited

- Customer service excellence award – Hull Museums and Gallery

- Contribution to the community award – Hull Freedom Quarter

- Commitment to health and wellbeing award – 360 Chartered Accountants

- The best in food and drink award – Milchig

 - The best place to work award – Spencer Group

- Outstanding contribution award – Hull College

Aswell as these 10 awards there was also an extra award which was the Judges special recognition award which went to Mikey Martins (Freedom Festival Arts Trust). It was a brilliant night and lovely to attend and celebrate with everyone.

MC4C School Workshop

We are pleased to announce we have launched our Enterprise Skills Masterclass Pilot Programme.
In February, the team delivered a skills session to the sixth form students at St Mary’s College in which they had to demonstrate their entrepreneurial skills and spirit. Activities included, a debate, an elevator pitch, and creating a Unique Selling Point. They were then set a challenge to select an upcycle a product and pitch their idea the following week showing financial forecasts and marketing ideas. The students did a fantastic job and really demonstrated their creativity and teamwork, and even showcased links to STEM and the heritage of Hull.
Our ambassadors also supported the project sharing their journey with the students.
We now look forward to engaging with more schools in the city.  

Youth Enterprise Champions in the spotlight!

Becca & Alex were recently interviewed by Phil from Hull Story, about their roles as Youth Enterprise Champions at Making Changes for Careers. They explained about their own journey through the program as participants, and how it led them to running their own businesses, as well as supporting young entrepreneurs in the roles at MC4C.

The interview took place at Everything Toastie, a new city centre microbusiness, run by former MC4C Champion & Enterprise Advisor, Judith Meza, who was also on hand for questions, in between working with her sister Esther.

Alex explained how he moved to Hull in 2022 and had been a freelance photographer for 2 years prior, but was struggling to network and figure out the next steps after moving to an area he was not familiar with.

After finding MC4C, Alex received support in writing an effective business plan to promote growth, and finally learnt the skills that will help him run a successful business.  Alex worked a part time job alongside running “Alex Costin Photography” but was finding the hours were on a weekend when most people would be available for photo shoots. After hearing about the Youth Enterprise Champion position, it seemed logical to begin working full-time through the week, freeing up weekends to focus on his business.

Becca’s journey started 4 years ago when she set up “The Personalised Gray Rose” with the help of MC4C. What started as a hobby making personalised items for her two children is now a successful business. When she heard about the Youth Enterprise Champion role, she knew straight away she wanted to apply and help other young people on their journeys. It’s a very rewarding job knowing you are helping young people turn hobbies and passions into a business and being able to relate to their struggles as she was in the same position herself only 4 years ago.

Read the full article here:

‘It doesn’t matter where you’re from, you can realise your dreams with a little help’ — The Hull Story

Charter for Inclusive Entrepreneurship

The John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank are proud to support the Charter for inclusive entrepreneurship developed by the University of Nottingham. The Charter aims to facilitate a more inclusive enterprise ecosystem in the UK and outlines the core principles for implementing and supporting an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the UK.

The charter supports inclusive entrepreneurship across five key areas: 

  • Promoting diverse Role Models across the Enterprise Ecosystem

  • Delivering inclusive Enterprise Support

  • Enabling lifelong learning of Entrepreneurship Education

  • Ensuring equal access to Enterprise Finance

  • Implementing Measurable targets for Inclusive Enterprise Policy and Procurement Practices

As a signatory of the Charter we will-

  • Commit to implementing the principles of the Charter in everything we do.

  • Actively promote the Charter within our own eco-system and encourage our clients, learners and partners adopt the principles of the Charter.

  • Ensure members of the management committee aware of gender, race, disability and other potential barriers to engagement and that such considerations are factored into the delivery of our programmes.  

  • Encourage members of the management committee undertake appropriate equality, diversity and inclusion training.

We continue to fully support the principals of the Charter and remain committed to all steps taken to enhance inclusivity in the Entrepreneurial Eco-System in the UK.

A brochure outlining the charter be found at: Charter for inclusive entrepreneurship - Nottingham University Business School

1000th Grant!

On the 27th September Jessica Ware was approved for her test market grant of £422.21 from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank.

The team celebrated her success with her as a double celebration, not only celebrating Jessica’s business success but she was also the 1000th recipient of a test market grant from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank. We asked Jessica for a few words about her journey…

“MC4C has really helped improving my confidence and helped me set up my business. I cannot thank them enough for all the help and support they showed me so thank you so much everyone at MC4C”.

“Jesy’s Jewellery” is a business specialising in hand made jewellery including unique hearing aid charms. When Jessica attended the MC4C celebration event In September she showcased her business to lots of people and received lots of very positive feedback.

23rd October marked 20 years of the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank. An amazing achievement for everyone involved and something we are extremely proud of. Supporting 1000 young people with test market grants to get them set up, this includes 3 of our MC4C staff members who were financially supported by the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank over the years to set up their own businesses which all still run successfully today.

Mental Wellbeing

Mental Well Being Booklet for Young Entrepreneurs

The idea of this booklet came from those that were part of the #ExcludedUK family we supported during the Pandemic as they did not receive support from the Treasury. The Youth Enterprise Team with the support of volunteer mentors had to give them well being support as well as support grants from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank.

Through our Business Engagement Group for Young Entrepreneurs  we commissioned Hannah and Sue from Inspire Ignite to work with the Youth Enterprise Ambassadors to produce something that we could give to all current and aspiring young entrepreneurs. We were pleased to receive support from one of the Vice Presidents of JCYEB comedian and actress Lucy Beaumont.

 We believe this is the first such document in the country and we made sure it is linked to the Big 13 Enterprise Skills. We are currently looking for sponsorship so we can get it printed for launch during the Global Entrepreneurship Week in November.  

To read the full booklet click the button bellow

Hull Micro Business Strategy and Charter

Hull has developed and launched a five-year Micro Business Strategy and Action Plan as well as a Micro Business Charter in order to demonstrate its commitment to Micro Businesses. 

Building on Hull’s entrepreneurial spirit, our micro enterprise charter wishes to ensure every resident can have the opportunity to learn key enterprising skills, providing them with the opportunities to establish their own business and build personal resilience and confidence in the heart of their communities.